
Our Story

At the White Oak Flower Farm, we believe in revitalization.
The land where we grow has a rich, oral history but sat untended for decades. The small red barn representing that history stood despite years of neglect and exposure to the elements.

When we purchased the land, then began the slow process of revitalization. Beginning with the barn and spilling out to the land, the White Oak Flower Farm was born.

Whenever we tend to our flowers, we reflect on our contribution to this history. We laugh about all the times we needed “just one more load of mulch.” We remember all the YouTube tutorial videos we watched whenever we encountered a new challenge.

Our family has gotten so much joy from this project.

Now we’re excited to put the joy and life of flowers into the arms of our community. You can find us every spring at Findlay Market!

Also, whenever you see Brian, you should really make sure to ask him about the time he thought the barn was going to fall on his head - seriously, you won’t believe this story.